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Table of Contents

Proceedings of the
14th ISPE International Conference on Concurrent Engineering - CE2007

São José dos Campos, July 16-20, 2007 Gerou o sumario por temas e em seguida editou a partir da paginaçao
Caso tenha perdido a versao do sumario com a paginacao o backup e o arquivo: @sumario_backup_final.htm que se encontra no source e no doc

Author Index
Shortcut to the themes:

[[foreach {i theme} [[DisplayShortCut $searchExpression $accent $case $siteList $fieldName]] { lappend shortCutList "[[format %02i $i]]  $theme" }]] \n
[[join $shortCutList

[[DisplayMultipleSearch $searchExpression $fieldName $accent $case $siteList $page $choice $linkType $displayEverything $test $title {} $targetValue $sortedFieldName]]