%0 Thesis %@holdercode {isadg {BR SPINPE} ibi 8JMKD3MGPCW/3DT298S} %@documentstage not transferred %@nexthigherunit 8JMKD3MGPCW/3F35TRS %@usergroup administrator %@usergroup fabia %@usergroup jefferson %@usergroup sergio %3 publicacao.pdf %J Um estudo climatologico da energia e dos fluxos da umidade da bacia %@secondarytype TDI %@dissemination NTRSNASA; BNDEPOSITOLEGAL. %8 1976-08 %X Annual precipitation average about 2400mm in the Amazonas Basin of which 44 percent runs off according to hydrological estimates by Oltman and others. We evaluaced adevection from aerological charts by Newell et al.,assuming that tropospheric import of precipitable water must compensate river runoff. According to aerology the hydrological estimates appears too low by 15 to 20 percent. Independently, we tested evapotranspiration estimates from surface-energy budget calculations provide by Henning, who had employed the methods Budyko, Albrecht and Penman, to 40 climate atations in the basin. These data also suggest that Oltman underestimated runnoff, i.e., overestimated evapotranspiration. In a new approach, we divided the region into six longitudinal sections of 55 Km width and derived water and energy balances (for soil moistured and precipitable water)with models of evapo and thermoclimatonomy. The results confirm that Oltman's hydrological estimated was too low,by about 20 percent in the central section and nearly 90 percent in the atlantic section. Climatonomical parameters lend themselves to speculations on possible effects of large-scale deforestation Tentative calculations suggest that the primary effects is one of lowering of moisture levels and enhancing the contrast between dry and wet seasons. %@secondarydate 19930128 %T A climatonomic study of the energy and moisture fluxes of the amazonas basin with considerations of deforestation effects %I Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE) %K ciencias meteorologicas, Bacia Amazonica, climatologia dinamica, desflorestamento. %P 140 %@group MET-SPG-INPE-BR %@e-mailaddress atus@cptec.inpe.br %C São José dos Campos %@copyholder SID/SCD %@secondarykey INPE-923-TPT/035 %E Lettau, Heiz H., %E Parada, Nelson de Jesus, %@project MET-SPG-INPE-BR %2 sid.inpe.br/jeferson/2005/ %4 sid.inpe.br/jeferson/2005/ %9 Tese (Doutorado em Meteorologia) %D 1976 %A Molion, Luiz Carlos Baldicero, %@area MET