1. Identity statement | |
Reference Type | Conference Paper (Conference Proceedings) |
Site | mtc-m16b.sid.inpe.br |
Holder Code | isadg {BR SPINPE} ibi 8JMKD3MGPCW/3DT298S |
Repository | cptec.inpe.br/walmeida/2004/ |
Last Update | 2005: (UTC) administrator |
Metadata Repository | cptec.inpe.br/walmeida/2004/ |
Metadata Last Update | 2022: (UTC) administrator |
Secondary Key | INPE-11061-PRE/6517 |
Citation Key | PintoAraNogTeiPer:2002:MS19 |
Title | Avaliacao sobre os efeitos dos focos de queimadas detectados pelo AVHRR e visibilidade horizontal em Corumba - MS entre 1998-1999  |
Format | CD-ROM |
Year | 2002 |
Access Date | 2025, Mar. 13 |
Secondary Type | PRE CN |
Number of Files | 1 |
Size | 250 KiB |
2. Context | |
Author | 1 Pinto, Marcos Luiz de A. 2 Araujo, Roberto Tadeu de 3 Nogueira Filho, Jose Avanir Machado 4 Teixeira, Reni Antonio 5 Pereira, Enio Bueno |
Resume Identifier | 1 2 3 4 5 8JMKD3MGP5W/3C9JH2E |
Group | 1 DMA-INPE-MCT-BR |
Affiliation | 1 CPTEC-INPE-Cachoeira Paulista-12630-000-SP-Brasil |
e-Mail Address | fabia@cptec.inpe.br |
Conference Name | Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 12. |
Conference Location | Foz do Iguacu |
Date | 4-9 ago. |
Pages | 3067-3071 |
Book Title | Anais |
Tertiary Type | Artigos |
Organization | SBMET |
History (UTC) | 2005-03-11 16:22:38 :: Fabia -> administrator :: 2008-06-10 21:14:20 :: administrator -> estagiario :: 2010-05-11 16:53:47 :: estagiario -> administrator :: 2022-03-26 18:01:56 :: administrator -> marciana :: 2002 |
3. Content and structure | |
Is the master or a copy? | is the master |
Content Stage | completed |
Transferable | 1 |
Content Type | External Contribution |
Keywords | focos de queimadas AVHRR visibiliadade horizontal Corumba |
Abstract | This work is an assessment of the degradation ofthe horizontal visibility in the city of Corumbá and its relationship with biomass burning spots derived by satellite A VHRR data. The studied area had approximately 10.000 m2 around the observation point. Observations were made from July to September (1998-99) between 1300 and 1600 local time. The results indicate a relatively poor overall correlation between the spots and the visibility degradation, except for certain sectors of the selected area. This was linked to effects of local versus long distant sources of biomass burning products. |
Area | MET |
Arrangement | urlib.net > BDMCI > Fonds > Produção até 2016 > DMA > Avaliacao sobre os... |
doc Directory Content | access |
source Directory Content | there are no files |
agreement Directory Content | there are no files |
4. Conditions of access and use | |
data URL | http://urlib.net/ibi/cptec.inpe.br/walmeida/2004/ |
zipped data URL | http://urlib.net/zip/cptec.inpe.br/walmeida/2004/ |
Language | pt |
Target File | Pinto_Avaliacao.pdf |
User Group | administrator |
Visibility | shown |
Copy Holder | SID/SCD |
5. Allied materials | |
Next Higher Units | 8JMKD3MGPCW/46JKC45 |
Citing Item List | sid.inpe.br/mtc-m21/2012/ 6 sid.inpe.br/bibdigital/2022/ 3 |
Host Collection | cptec.inpe.br/walmeida/2003/ |
6. Notes | |
Empty Fields | archivingpolicy archivist callnumber copyright creatorhistory descriptionlevel dissemination documentstage doi edition editor electronicmailaddress identifier isbn issn label lineage mark mirrorrepository nextedition notes numberofvolumes orcid parameterlist parentrepositories previousedition previouslowerunit progress project publisher publisheraddress readergroup readpermission rightsholder schedulinginformation secondarydate secondarymark serieseditor session shorttitle sponsor subject tertiarymark type url versiontype volume |
7. Description control | |
e-Mail (login) | marciana |
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