URLib Local Collection Index
at cptec.inpe.br/walmeida/2003/
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Last update: 2024, Dec 06, 17:40.
Total number of entries: 5188.
Intradiurnal and seasonal variability of soil temperature, heat flux, soil moisture content, and thermal properties under forest and pasture in Rondonia Alvala, R. C. S.; Gielow, R.; Rocha; R., H.; da; Freitas, H. C.; Lopes, J. M.; Manzi, A. O.; Von Randow, C.; Dias, M. A. F. S.; Cabral, O. M. R.; Waterloo, M. J. | |
Projeto Interdisciplinar do Pantanal - Fase Umida (IPE-1) Alvala, R. C. S.; Manzi, A. O.; Sa, L. D. A.; Murty, K. P. R. V.; Gielow, R.; Arlino, P. R. A.; Alvalá, P. C.; Lima, I. D. T.; Marques Filho, E. P.; Sambatti, S. B. M.; Von Randow, C.; Souza, A.; Kassar, E.; Malhi, Y. S.; Kruijt, B.; Meirelles, M. L. | |
Intradiurnal and seasonal variability of soil temperature, heat flux, soil moisture content, and thermal properties under forest and pasture in Rondônia Alvalá, R. C. S.; Gielow, R.; Rocha, H. R.; Freitas, H. C.; Lopes, J. M.; Manzi, A. O.; Randow, C. V.; Dias, M. A. F. S.; Cabral, O. M. R.; Waterloo, M. J. | |
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